⛵ I SAIL QUICKLY 🗺️ and More Kids Songs & Nursery Rhymes

Learn, sing and dance with Kids Songs & Nursery Rhymes
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Paco and Dony travel the world to reach the sun. Sailing fast, they will cover the entire planet.

I Sail Quickly
My Boat is Rockin’
The Sailor and The Pirate
Little Sailor Dance 3D
Donny The Pirate
The Shark is Our Friend
I’m the Sea Urchin
Paco’s hats
I found a star in the sea
Lola the Whale Dances

Titulo Original: ”I Sail Quickly”
Interprete: Lua de Morais
Autor: Juan Manuel Farre
Compositor: Juan Manuel Farre

⛵ I SAIL QUICKLY 🗺️ and More Kids Songs & Nursery Rhymes

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