What If We Could Turn Deserts Into Farmland?

Deserts won’t be barren wastelands anymore. We’re going to be turning the world’s deserts into lush farmland. How costly would terraforming the planet cost? And why could making deserts farmland destroy the Amazon rainforest?

Transcript and sources: https://whatifshow.com/what-if-we-could-turn-deserts-into-farmland/

00:00 Desert farmlands?
00:52 Desert facts
01:23 Evapotranspiration
01:59 Nanoclay
03:30 Materials and cost

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What If is a mini-documentary web series that takes you on an epic journey through hypothetical worlds and possibilities. Join us on an imaginary adventure through time, space and chance while we (hopefully) boil down complex subjects in a fun and entertaining way.

Produced with love by Underknown in Toronto: https://underknown.com
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#WhatIf #Farmlands #Terraform #DesertEcosystems #FoodProduction #AmazonRainforest


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DAF e as histórias que movem o Brasil – Episódio 04: Dia da Mulher

Em homenagem ao Dia Internacional da Mulher, o 4º episódio da websérie DAF e as Histórias que Movem o Brasil conta a história da Maria da Conceição Desidério de Assunção, motorista carreteira, e seu amor por dirigir um DAF!

Assista a essa história de força e determinação de uma mulher que ama a vida na estrada!

#DAF #HistóriasQueMovemOBrasil #Webserie #DiadaMulher


Ambassador Circle

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Join the circle, become an Ambassador and we can help you to make it happen. Let’s bring the world to Belfast and Northern Ireland.


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