Ready-made Option Strategies, the safer way to trade in options

With Ready-made Option Strategies on Upstox you can:

📈Easily identify new trading opportunities
🙌Make informed decisions

All you need to is predict market direction and

✅Get pre-curated option strategies in NIFTY and BANK NIFTY
✅View helpful insights beforehand – profit probability, maximum profit and loss, funds needed on a trade
✅Maximise your profit probability and minimise risks

To know how to get started with ‘Ready-made Options Strategies’ watch this video

To start investing, open an Upstox Demat & Trading account:


Handy repair tricks for any situation || Useful DIY ideas by Wood Mood

Hi guys! We want to share with you repair hacks and tricks for any situation! Watch this cool video and we hope that you will use our hacks for your life!

0:39 Wallpaper hack;
2:05 Hard to remove?
4:52 Woodworking hack.

This activity is performed by actors in a controlled environment. Please use caution if you plan to replicate.
Music by Epidemic Sound:

#craft #woodmood


If You Notice These Things In Your Life Then ” YOU ARE GOING THROUGH A SERIOUS TEST”

A Christian Motivational and Inspirational video that aims to leave you blessed, inspired and encouraged as well as strengthening your prayer life and daily walk with God. As you listen to this devotional video may Jesus Christ light up your life!

►An original video created by Trailblazer and delivered by our team speakers. Our faith based content aims to bring biblical teachings to life!

Our team aims to produce content that is focused on the scriptures, encouraging prayers, and insightful teachings

📩For any enquiries, contact us:

©️ Team Trailblazer 2024


Sintest/RN cancela reunião sobre acordo coletivo

Representantes do Sindesind/RN (Sindicato que representa trabalhadoras e trabalhadores de entidades sindicais), funcionários e direção do Sintest/RN (Sindicato dos Trabalhadores em Educação do Ensino Superior) comentam sobre cancelamento da reunião marcada para quarta-feira (25/5), que seria a 3ª rodada de negociação do Acordo Coletivo em questão.


Bolsonaro prepara redução do FGTS e da multa por demissão

Mais um duro golpe contra a classe trabalhadora está sendo preparado pelo governo Bolsonaro. O FGTS (Fundo de Garantia por Tempo de Serviço), direito fundamental do trabalhador, está na mira do Ministério da Economia. O objetivo é reduzir de 8% para 2% a contribuição mensal dos emprefadores ao FGTS, através


⛵ I SAIL QUICKLY 🗺️ and More Kids Songs & Nursery Rhymes

Learn, sing and dance with Kids Songs & Nursery Rhymes
#KidsSongs #NurseryRhymes #FarmSongs #AnimalsSongs #BabySongs

Follow us on Instagram!

Paco and Dony travel the world to reach the sun. Sailing fast, they will cover the entire planet.

I Sail Quickly
My Boat is Rockin’
The Sailor and The Pirate
Little Sailor Dance 3D
Donny The Pirate
The Shark is Our Friend
I’m the Sea Urchin
Paco’s hats
I found a star in the sea
Lola the Whale Dances

Titulo Original: ”I Sail Quickly”
Interprete: Lua de Morais
Autor: Juan Manuel Farre
Compositor: Juan Manuel Farre

⛵ I SAIL QUICKLY 🗺️ and More Kids Songs & Nursery Rhymes


Teatro na escola

Teatro com a turma do 4º ano da Professora Gildete Galvão (Escola Estadual Crisan Siminéa), uma adaptação da obra de João de Barro (Braguinha), narrada e musicada na Coleção Disquinho.

Imagens e edição: Rogério Marques/Coletivo Foque


Choro do Caçuá

Documentário produzido pelo Coletivo Foque Audiovisual para o Dia Nacional do Choro, celebrado em 23 de abril.

Depoimentos: Ademir Adrinano, Carlos Zens, Djalma Martins, Armando Souza, João Nonato.

Filmado no Ponto de Memória Estação do Cordel – Natal/RN em 21/4/2022

Imagens, Som Direto e Edição: Rogério Marques