A Bela e a Fera: Minha Aldeia

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Roda Roda Roda (Caranguejo peixe é) – Galinha Pintadinha 3 – OFICIAL

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/070CnHC2iZh5oLpyWYPf8h
Amazon Music: https://amzn.to/GalinhaPintadinha
Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/br/artist/galinha-pintadinha/450813851
Deezer: https://www.deezer.com/br/artist/1385868
Loja Oficial: https://www.amazon.com.br/stores/page/E5A68192-CCA4-4354-8B99-AC91B950790E
Baixe o App da Galinha: https://go.01-d.com/AppGalinhaPintadinha
Netflix: https://www.netflix.com/br/title/70231705
Amazon Prime: https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Galinha-Pintadinha/0PDP61KBZ5A3WI0OREOFE8EEUU
HBO Max: https://www.hbomax.com/br/pt/series/urn:hbo:series:GYUlr3gnhp55otAEAAACv
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/galinhapintadinha_oficial/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@galinha.oficial
Site Oficial: http://www.galinhapintadinha.com.br

Letra Roda Roda Roda (Caranguejo peixe é):

Palma palma palma
Pé pé pé
Roda roda roda
Caranguejo peixe é

Caranguejo não é peixe
Caranguejo peixe é
Caraguejo só é peixe
na enchente da maré

Ora palma palma palma
Ora pé pé pé
Ora roda roda roda
Caranguejo peixe é

© Bromelia Produções #GalinhaPintadinha

Spirit of Wimbledon Part 2 (1945–1977)

In 1946, from the lawns of Wimbledon emerged a brand new era in tennis history, dominated by Australian champions and marked by the first grand slam in 1968. Discover the history behind the world’s most famous tennis tournament through the second of a four-part documentary series. Discover more about Wimbledon on https://on.rolex.com/3vOsxfp
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Spirit of Wimbledon Part 1 (1877–1939)

Discover the early history behind Wimbledon, the most prestigious tennis event, with legends such as Suzanne Lenglen through the first of a four-part documentary series. Discover more about Wimbledon on https://on.rolex.com/3vOsxfp
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